Two day course Follow-Up Information

In this section for students of our two-day woodturning class, Les and Martin demonstrate the tooling techniques learned in the course. There is also a ‘shopping’ list for those looking to get their first (or upgrade!) their workshop set-up.

Refresh your memory in over an hour of videos on these techniques:

  • Using the Spindle Roughing Gouge

  • V-Cuts

  • Beads

  • Coves

  • End grain hollowing

  • A practice piece

  • Balancing a bowl blank

  • Recess mounting a bowl

  • Shaping a bowl

  • Hollowing a bowl

You Will Need

To get the most from these refresher videos, you will need to understand the absolute basics of woodturning including the mounting of wood to a lathe. You will also need the following tools . . . and a lathe of course!

  • 9x2” Spindle Blanks

  • 7x2” Bowl Blanks

    Spindle Roughing Gouge

  • 3/8” Spindle Gouge

  • 3/8” Bowl Gouge

  • Diamond Parting Tool

  • Skew Chisel

Meet Your Tutors

Les Thorne and Martin Saban-Smith are the two tutors at The Woodturning School. They are both members of the Register of Professional Turners and have both taught and demonstrated here in the UK and overseas.

Between them, they have a wealth of knowledge and are enthusiastic and attentive tutors.

Take The Refresher videos

Two Day Woodturning Course Refresher Videos
One time

Exclusively for students of our two-day beginners woodturning course, this series of videos hosted by Martin Saban-Smith and Les Thorne take you back through the tooling techniques you learned when you came for your lesson. If you have attended our Two Day Beginners Class, please check your inbox for sign-up information after your lesson for how to gain free access.

✓ Over an Hour of Refresher Video Content
✓ HD Video, Advert Free
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Review the techniques you learned on your lesson

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